Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jedi Mind Tricks or Censorship?

 In the land of La, the only person running for president, that anyone who has done any research, would vote for, if they were in their right mind, is ignored as if he doesn't exist.  Is it some form of voodoo?  If I stand on a stage and say, I'm not running as a nazi dictator, I am a nazi dictator, does that make me a nazi dictator?  Maybe to the hypnotized masses, it does!  Can we just use jedi mind tricks on the fluoridated population and they will follow us like sheep?  Perhaps!!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Still alive here in the land of La.

Beware, of those with the La La stick figure people stickers in on their windows.  They are probably text driving or high on pharmaceuticals.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Post

This is the maiden post.  I will update as often as possible with bits of info from the land of La.